Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why you should be strength training!

Many people, especially women, shy away from strength training. They do not want to bulk up, are intimidated, think it is not useful to them, and many other reasons that are common for not doing it. But here are some reasons you should pick up the weights next time you go to the gym (if you already don't):
  • It prevents muscle loss. This becomes more important the older we get.
  • Increases your metabolism, which makes your body burn more fat. This can help greatly when one is trying to loose weight.
  • Increases the speed of digestion. This lowers your risk of colon cancer because waste does not sit in your body for extended periods of time.
  • Decreases risk of injury. Especially the risk of lower back injury, which is very common.
  • Decreases risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • Makes you happier!
  • It is fun and rewarding to see the results of your efforts.


  1. It also helps increase bone density!!! I'm constantly telling people especially women to take my class because of all the benefits not to mention it's fun!!

  2. Nice post. I go to the gym un and lift weights I just feel so much better with alot more energy. The benefits are definately good and alot people need to see that, especially as we age and have higher risk for osteoporosis.

  3. I think this is centered around women but strength training is great. I see a lot of women doing just endurance traning which is great but you need to add that extra boost and strength in there every once in a while.

  4. Awesome post!! i agree with everything you said. I also think weight training is very important. Some times women don't realize that weight training doesn't necessarily mean they're going to "bulk up" and look bigger. People don't realize the benefits weight training really does carry. Great information!!
